
我相信,大家都知道買[美國直購] 攪拌機 Cuisinart CSB-75 White Smart Stick 2-Speed 200-Watt Immersion Hand Blender _TC4要在網路上找便宜


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[美國直購] 攪拌機 Cuisinart CSB-75 White Smart Stick 2-Speed 200-Watt Immersion Hand Blender _TC4詳細介紹如下~你可以參考看看唷










Product Details

Color: White

  • Product Dimensions: 4.8 x 4.8 x 15.8 inches ; 2.2 pounds

  • Shipping Weight: 3 pounds
  • 體驗


  • 僅此一檔
  • Item model number: CSB-75

Product Features

  • Powerful 200-watt motor handles more blending tasks

  • Stick design reaches into pots, pitchers, and bowls to extend blending options

  • Ergonomically designed grip offers comfortable hold and more control while blending

  • Operates with two speed, one-touch control for easy, one-handed blending

  • Dishwasher-safe blending shaft and beaker make cleanup effortless

Features and Benefits
One Touch On/Off Button: Allows you to activate the hand blender at the touch of a button. Simply press and hold down the Low or High button to blend or pulse. Once the button is released, blending will stop.
Comfort Handle: The handle allows you to control the hand blender with ease.
Motor Body Housing: A powerful 200-watt motor operates with an easy one-touch control.
Detachable Shaft: By pressing the release button on the back of the unit, the shaft will detach for easy cleaning.
Blending Attachment with Stainless Steel Blade and Blade Guard: This attachment easily snaps into the motor body housing. The stainless blade is partially covered by a stainless housing that keeps splashing to a minimum.
Mixing Beaker: 2-Cup mixing beaker is microwave-safe and dishwasher-safe. Use this container to blend drinks, shakes, salad dressings and more. Designed for easy gripping and drip-free pouring.

Operating the Hand Blender

The specially designed blade is for mixing and stirring all kinds of foods, including salad dressings, powdered drink products, and sauces. It is ideal for combining dry ingredients, and can be used to emulsify mayonnaise, too.

This blade mixes and stirs while adding only a minimum of air to your mixture. A gentle up-and-down motion is all you need to make the most flavorful, full-bodied liquid recipes.


Always clean the Smart Stick motor body and blending shaft thoroughly after using.

Remove the blending shaft from the motor body. Clean the motor body only with a sponge or damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners which could scratch the surface. To clean the blending shaft, wash by hand in hot water using mild detergent, or in the dishwasher.

最新商品評價 查看全部評價 (共 2 筆評價)

發表者 林朵朵, 2015/08/03 09:16:28



發表者 SkyLiao, 2014/03/02 22:02:00

物超所值,Very good!




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